
  1. Grab the latest release from the releases tab.

  2. Extract the files to your server resources folder.

  3. Remove any other queue resources.

  4. Go to the Discord Developer Portal, and create an app if you haven't already.

  5. Copy your bot token and put it in the server.cfg, as this: set ps:discordBotToken "TOKENHERE".

  6. Copy your servers ID and put it in the server.cfg as this: set ps:discordGuildId "IDHERE" (This can be found by enabling the Developer mode on Discord, right clicking your server on the left and press "Copy ID")

  7. Set up queue/roles.lua and queue/card.lua to your liking.

  8. Check the list of covars, to see if there's anything else you might want to change.

  9. Done! You've successfully installed ps-discord!

You primarily configure the resource with the convars. There however is two files you should edit to your liking.

Last updated