Using your or our Exports

We will be using a custom export for this tutorial

We will be going over how to use, create and work with exports. The pages are marked on the side of your screen in-case you already read the rest of the docs and figured it out!

Creating our callout (ps-dispatch/server/sv_dispatchcodes.lua)

	["methRunReport"] = {
		displayCode = '10-77', 
		description = "Drug Run In Progress", 
		radius = 0, 
		recipientList = { 'police' }, 
		blipSprite = 514, 
		blipColour = 32, 
		blipScale = 1.5, 
		blipLength = 2, 
		sound = "Lose_1st", 
		sound2 = "GTAO_FM_Events_Soundset", 
		offset = "false", 
		blipflash = "false"

Creating the Export (ps-dispatch/client/cl_events.lua)

This callout of dispatch makes use of vehicle information. Which means that the user needs to be in a vehicle for the callout to happen.

local function methRunReport(vehicle)
    local vehdata = vehicleData(vehicle)
    local currentPos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
    local locationInfo = getStreetandZone(currentPos)
    local heading = getCardinalDirectionFromHeading()
    TriggerServerEvent("dispatch:server:notify", {
        dispatchcodename = "methRunReport", -- has to match the codes in sv_dispatchcodes.lua so that it generates the right blip
        dispatchCode = "10-77",
        firstStreet = locationInfo,
        model =,
        plate = vehdata.plate,
        priority = 2,
        firstColor = vehdata.colour, -- vehicle color
        heading = heading,
        automaticGunfire = false,
        origin = {
            x = currentPos.x,
            y = currentPos.y,
            z = currentPos.z
        dispatchMessage = "Drug Run",
        job = { "police" }
end exports('methRunReport', methRunReport)

If you don't want or require vehicle information then do the following.

local function methRunReport()
    local currentPos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
    local locationInfo = getStreetandZone(currentPos)
    local gender = GetPedGender()
        dispatchcodename = "methRunReport", -- has to match the codes in sv_dispatchcodes.lua so that it generates the right blip
        dispatchCode = "10-77",
        firstStreet = locationInfo,
        gender = gender,
        model = nil,
        plate = nil,
        priority = 2, -- priority
        firstColor = nil,
        automaticGunfire = false,
        origin = {
            x = currentPos.x,
            y = currentPos.y,
            z = currentPos.z
        dispatchMessage = 'Drug Run', -- message
        job = {"police" } -- jobs that will get the alerts
end exports('methRunReport', methRunReport)

Creating an event with our export

Use the export that HAS vehicle information

RegisterNetEvent("PS:EXAMPLE:EXPORT:GUIDE:VEHICLE", function()
    local ped = PlayerPedId()
    local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, true)

Use the export that does NOT have vehicle information.

RegisterNetEvent("PS:EXAMPLE:EXPORT:GUIDE", function()
    local ped = PlayerPedId()

Basically put you add the export exports['ps-dispatch']:methRunReport() where you would want the police to get a notification of what is happening. You can use ps-dispatch to replace qb-core events for notifying police.

A full script!

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